4 minute read
Kubernetes’ users often set the replicas based on empirical values when creating application resources. Based on the replicas recommendation, you can analyze the actual application usage and recommend a more suitable replicas configuration. You can use it to improve the resource utilization of the cluster.
Kubernetes workload replicas allows you to control the Pods for quick scaling. However, how to set a reasonable replicas has always been a problem for application administrators. Too large may lead to a lot of waste of resources, while too low may cause stability problems.
The HPA in community provides a dynamic autoscaling mechanism based on realtime metrics, meanwhile Crane’s EffectiveHPA supports prediction-driven autoscaling based on HPA. However, in the real world, only some workloads can scale horizontally all the time, many workloads require a fixed number of pods.
The figure below shows a workload with low utilization, it has 30% of the resource wasted between the Pod’s peak historical usage and its Request.
Replica recommendation attempts to reduce the complexity of how to know the replicas of workloads by analyzing the historical usage.
A Replicas recommendation sample yaml looks like below:
kind: Recommendation
apiVersion: analysis.crane.io/v1alpha1
name: workloads-rule-replicas-p84jv
namespace: kube-system
addonmanager.kubernetes.io/mode: Reconcile
analysis.crane.io/recommendation-rule-name: workloads-rule
analysis.crane.io/recommendation-rule-recommender: Replicas
analysis.crane.io/recommendation-rule-uid: 18588495-f325-4873-b45a-7acfe9f1ba94
k8s-app: kube-dns
kubernetes.io/cluster-service: 'true'
kubernetes.io/name: CoreDNS
- apiVersion: analysis.crane.io/v1alpha1
kind: RecommendationRule
name: workloads-rule
uid: 18588495-f325-4873-b45a-7acfe9f1ba94
controller: false
blockOwnerDeletion: false
kind: Deployment
namespace: kube-system
name: coredns
apiVersion: apps/v1
type: Replicas
completionStrategyType: Once
adoptionType: StatusAndAnnotation
replicas: 1
targetRef: { }
recommendedInfo: '{"spec":{"replicas":1}}'
currentInfo: '{"spec":{"replicas":2}}'
action: Patch
- type: Ready
status: 'True'
lastTransitionTime: '2022-11-28T08:07:36Z'
reason: RecommendationReady
message: Recommendation is ready
lastUpdateTime: '2022-11-29T11:07:45Z'
In this sample:
Kubectl Patch
TargetRefHow to create a Replicas recommendation please refer to:Recommendation Framework
The process for one Replicas recommendation:
Use cpu usage as an example. Assume that the P99 of the historical CPU usage of the workload is 10 cores, the Pod CPU Request is 5 cores, and the target peak utilization is 50%. Therefore, we know that 4(10 / 50% / 5) pods can meet the target peak utilization.
replicas := int32(math.Ceil(workloadUsage / (TargetUtilization * float64(requestTotal))))
The following types of abnormal workloads are not recommended:
| pod-available-ratio
Record recommended replicas to Metric: crane_analytics_replicas_recommendation
Users can get the Workload resource usage through the following Prom-query, when you get the workload usage, put it into the algorithm above.
Taking Deployment Craned in crane-system as an example, you can use your container, namespace to replace it in following Prom-query.
sum(irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{namespace="crane-system",pod=~"^craned-.*$",container!=""}[3m])) # cpu usage
sum(container_memory_working_set_bytes{namespace="crane-system",pod=~"^craned-.*$",container!=""}) # memory usage
Support StatefulSet and Deployment by default,but all workloads that support Scale SubResource
are supported.
Configuration items | Default | Description |
workload-min-replicas | 1 | Workload replicas that less than this value will abort recommendation |
pod-min-ready-seconds | 30 | Defines the min seconds to identify Pod is ready |
pod-available-ratio | 0.5 | Workload ready Pod ratio that less than this value will abort recommendation |
default-min-replicas | 1 | default minReplicas |
cpu-percentile | 0.95 | Percentile for historical cpu usage |
mem-percentile | 0.95 | Percentile for historical memory usage |
cpu-target-utilization | 0.5 | Target of CPU peak historical usage |
mem-target-utilization | 0.5 | Target of Memory peak historical usage |
How to update recommendation configuration please refer to:Recommendation Framework